studio peep

about me

Hello! I'm Louis Wabnitz. If you're here and reading this, that means you probably want to learn a bit about me, which is cool, I guess. I am a web designer and developer! That's what I do. It's my thing. Or one of my things, I guess. I'm currently working on finishing a degree at Cincinnati State and will hopefully be graduating before the end of 2016.

I honestly don't know what else to put here. I mean, every other "about me" I read on other portfolio websites try and use all these fancy words that are long or peculiar to make non-complicated statements sound oh-so-complicated and important, but that's not really my thing. I just want to create and design websites, it's really not all that complicated.

If you've read down this far you're probably interested in me and trying to get a feel for who I am, so I guess I'll take this bottom space and use it to rattle off my personal interests/hobbies, since it'd be a bit off-putting if it were all the way at the top, right? Anyway, the short version is that I like computers! Yeah okay that's a vague statement, but it really sort of encapsulates the thing. I code, I tinker, I browse an endless amount of internet, I play games, I listen to music and I consistently keep in contact with people from all corners of the continential US. Computers just play a central role in it all. Oh, I've also been told I have a bit of a knack for writing, but that's a bit unrelated and not much of a current interest for me.

Wow, you've really stuck with it. Thanks for reading! And of course, if you're interested in me and want to offer me a job or something, my resume is either on the right or left, depending on if you've triggered the mobile version or not, and from there you can just send me an e-mail and I'll try and be in contact as soon as possible!